Today has not been the day I thought it would be. And that is absolutely a good thing!
I woke up very anxious. Also a little miffed that my routine was being thrown off. Normally Saturday mornings are all about my long runs but this morning I had a meeting with a landlord for a property that Will and I both really wanted.
Wait, meeting with landlord? Weren’t you taking some time off from looking?
Yes, I haven’t been on Craigslist all week but this was a place I had contacted prior to Tuesday’s decision. It’s a cute little duplex unit in the historical part of Long Beach and it just oozes charm and is perfect for us!
So instead of getting to do my run, I got to wonder and worry about whether or not the landlord would like me and approve our application and I hoped and prayed that this was all going to be worth it.
Since we had already decided that Long Beach was where we were going to look from now on, I thought I would take advantage of being down there and get a taste for the running routes. So I packed up my stuff and got ready to face the morning.
I never run away from my house. My runs always start and end at my front door so I wasn’t really sure what all to bring. So I went with water, diluted orange juice for refueling after and the bag contained my hat, sunscreen, towel and some dried cranberries to munch on before and maybe bring with.
Well I didn’t end up getting my run in.
But I did sign a lease!
I could not be more happy right now. We got the apartment and the keys so we can move in immediately! I cannot believe how well everything worked out and how wonderful this next phase is going to be for us!
After getting to know my new landlord and his son better over lunch, I came home to get the packing nightmare started.
We are downsizing significantly with this move. I mean significantly. Currently we have so much extra space due to being in a house right now but we are going to be living in a one bed, one bath with very little in the way of storage. Honestly, this is a good thing. We do not need everything we have right now. We really do not even want most of it.
Some things will be hard to part with, though. Like my amazing sectional couch. Up on craigslist as we speak.
This was the first “real” piece of furniture I bought for myself and it has seen me through three homes and so many memories. It’s super comfy and I’m really a sad that it won’t fit in our new living room.
But for the most part, smaller is going to be better. For example, we won’t have a garage which means we will no longer be the lucky owners of this disaster zone.
I made some headway on this today but still so much to go. I’m thinking of getting one of those giant trash bins since that’s really the the problem – I need the space to throw all this away!
Since we’ve been planning a move for months, I’ve been preparing.
A stock pile of boxes. This is just what I had the energy to carry inside. There is still an entire half of the garage dedicated to boxes. What we’ll do with them on the other side remins the real issue. Err..
I have dinner with a friend tonight, which will be good for my sanity so I don’t accidentally pack myself away in the excitement. I’m thinking I’ll do a short run before just so I don’t feel like a complete lazy lump this weekend. Wish I had decided that before polishing off the granola.
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