Friday Fashion Feature

April 20, 2012/ Fashion/ 1 comments


It dawned on me yesterday that all the pictures of me here are with no make up and usually a sweaty hot mess after a run. I promise I do actually get dressed sometimes! I work in a casual office though so I’m lucky and get to wear basically whatever I want every day. They probably wouldn’t be a fan of my sweats but I haven’t gone to that level yet.

Anywho, because it’s Friday, I thought we’d do a little fun fashion talk. And since I skipped my work out again this morning, I think I just need to be light hearted today and leave the seriousness for later.

Shall we begin?

Like I said, I work in a casual office. We technically have “casual Friday” but every day is casual for us.

Today was about jewelry accents.


I used to be known for my jewelry. I wore bracelets up to my elbows and four or five necklaces a day.

I grew out of that phase but i still love jewelry and it’s a great way to dress up a plain outfit.

Like today’s! While I’m only wearing jeans, a tank top and an oversized sweater, the jewelry adds a nice feminine touch.

I also love jewelry because it’s always your size. Probably why I loved it so much when I was bigger. While I don’t have any clothing from my larger days, both the earrings and necklace I wore today are probably from when I was in middle school.


A beaded chocker from the days when chockers were in (at least they were for me).


And earrings my parents gave me for my 12th birthday.

Wish I was better at taking pictures of my earrings and not my ear lol.

I’m not really a clothes horse but I do think a sense of personal style can make you feel good when you’ve carried it off well.

What’s your personal style?

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