The Saturday Routine

April 14, 2012/ Breakfast, Running/ 1 comments

First off, welcome to the new site! It’s still needing a few tweeks here and there but mostly this more advanced platform gives me endless room to grow as a blogger, writer, web designer (lol), photographer and so much more! I realized yesterday, as I was browsing plugins, that I could spend years customizing the site but that’s not the point so it’s here and I hope you’ll stick around.

Saturday’s are usually started a little later than today. My alarm goes off at 6 a.m. but usually today is that blissful day of the week where, after waking in a panic because I don’t want to work out yet, I realize that I can shut the damn thing off and go back to sleep for as long as I want. I’ve never been one to sleep until half past noon but I like having the option to do so. Typically, I’m up around 8-8:30.

Today, Will is doing an event for his fraternity and had to be up super early to prep for it. So at 7 he was rustling around and that kinda forced me to open my eyes and check it out. And, of course, by the time he had stopped making noise, I was officially up and going back to sleep wasn’t going to happen.

Since I didn’t get to sleep in as I would normally have done, I moved on to my next favorite part of my Saturday routine – breakfast!

Since I’m heading out for a double-digit(!) run in a bit, my menu was already decided for me.

First, coffee. Saturday is actually the only day of the week that I make coffee even though I have every coffee making device imaginable.


Those two are just the ones that take up counter space. They’re so many more.

With my coffee, oatmeal, topped with only the best – peanut butter and jelly.



As I spooned that out, my coffee maker beeped at me and I went to grab my usually mug, only to discover it was not in the cabinet but the dishwasher. Someone must have helped themselves to it yesterday, leaving me with the regular mugs. Not going to fly.

I dug around and found this very bizarre faux beer stein.


If the shoe fits, right? So I had my coffee in a plastic beer mug. It’s all the same, yo.

I’m off to finish getting ready for my run. I need a little mental prep time before heading out for these ten miles. I’ve never run this far before and it’s my first time conquering a new distance since I was in high school running with my mom. Eeek!





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  1. Pingback: 12 Miles | Creature of Habit

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