Today is my last day as a twenty two-year-old. And so it seems fitting that it’s also my last day living in my house. And I mean the word ‘living’ very loosely here. All of our things have been moved to the new place but we’re in transition still. No hot water until tomorrow afternoon so I’d rather sleep on
Tag Archives: packing
Making Progress
Over all I must have eaten too much rich food yesterday because I woke up with a very weighed down, achy stomach. It makes sense, though. I had a muffin with lunch, and it was definitely made with a pound of lard, and my dinner – while absolutely amazing at a favorite cuban restaurant – was drenched it a rich
What A Day!
Today has not been the day I thought it would be. And that is absolutely a good thing! I woke up very anxious. Also a little miffed that my routine was being thrown off. Normally Saturday mornings are all about my long runs but this morning I had a meeting with a landlord for a property that Will and I