A few weeks ago, I told you guys about how wonderful Orange is for running. Beautiful neighborhoods, clean streets and sidewalks, lots of shade and over all a safe place for a gal to run on her own. Well this week things took a turn for the negative and I found myself lost in the streets of Santa Ana. The
Tag Archives: fitness
The Streets of Orange
Today’s long run was brought to you by the motivation of new shoes! As mentioned in my fashion Friday post, I’m not obsessed with clothes in any insane kind of way but I do have a pretty substantial collection of shoes. It’s stopped growing quite as fast since I had to start using my income for boring things like rent
Runner Knows Best
So you know how I was talking about cutting back on the sugar? Yeah that didn’t go as planned this afternoon. At about 2:30 I was over at a co-workers desk casually asking if she had any candy left from the other day. I’d made a mental note of the stash yesterday when she was rummaging around in a drawer but figured