Yesterday I discovered something that shouldn’t have been such a shock to me but it still was. My different sets of measuring cups all seem to have a slightly different idea about what constitutes a quarter cup. I probably never would have realized this if I hadn’t noticed that the math on my cereal portions wasn’t adding up. As I
Tag Archives: cereal
Running for Raisin Bran
I took myself out on a four-miler this morning despite thinking it might not be the best idea. Even though my run on Saturday didn’t end in extreme soreness and pain, my legs still needed time to recover from the distance. I also woke up very dehydrated. Like fuzzy tongue dehydrated. Given the circumstances, I wasn’t going to be too
Cereal Addict
The alarm went off this morning and I went about my business as if it was Sunday. I went to go find another blanket and was all prepared to curl up and listen to the rain when I had the ah ha! moment. Not so fast, Katie! It’s Monday, which means you’re not going back to bed, you’re going to