Last night we made it through the first hundred! It actually doesn’t look like that many but those little beasts took me four hours to bake and frost. By the end my neck was sore, back was crooked and legs were mad. Who would have thought baking cupcakes could be such an athletic event? Let’s back up a little though
Running for Raisin Bran
I took myself out on a four-miler this morning despite thinking it might not be the best idea. Even though my run on Saturday didn’t end in extreme soreness and pain, my legs still needed time to recover from the distance. I also woke up very dehydrated. Like fuzzy tongue dehydrated. Given the circumstances, I wasn’t going to be too
Preparing for Family
I’m so excited that both of our families will be here next weekend. It makes the whole graduation process so much more special. Family coming into town means that lots of preparations need to be done before hand. Luckily Will’s dad wants to hire a cleaning and yard service get the inside and outside in tip top shape for all