Next week it will be my birthday. It’s strange to me how quickly it has crept up. When I was a kid, I would count down, always hyper aware of how many days until that special one. Not to say that birthdays don’t mean anything anymore but they are’t the same experience as they were when I was a child.
Enjoying What I Have
The smart phone is a wonderful invention. Unfortunately, instant information has started to take a bad toll on my well being. Enter Craigslist on my phone. I have become addicted, constantly checking because there might be the perfect new home in the perfect location for the perfect price and if I don’t look now, I’ll miss out forever. I originally
12 Miles
After failing to meet my goal of 12 miles last weekend, I was determined to give it everything I had when I stepped out the door yesterday morning. My morning started per the normal Saturday Routine and I made my usual coffee and oatmeal. When I went to start the coffee, I saw something sorta upsetting. The mesh sieve that