Eat This, Not That

March 15, 2012

Well, I’m sick AGAIN today. I’m home from work and doing my best not to think about all the deadlines that I have looming. I just have to keep reminding myself that it’s better to stay home and get well than try and tough it out and make myself worse and possibly pass this bug on to coworkers. Since I

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Fight This Cold With Liquids

March 14, 2012

So I seem to have relapsed. Monday’s illness is back, lingering and making work so much worse than it should be. My back seems to be very achy and sitting down is definitely not helping. I took a stroll outside around the building for five minutes or so and that was so much better than sitting here. Something about the

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Cooking Tofu: Demystifying This Spongy Delight

March 14, 2012

Yesterday ended with more of the same. I seem to be better today but poor Will is still pretty bad, despite his dinner of ice cream and NyQuil (tea was for me). Today started well. A trip to the gym felt good. I lifted wights for what felt like the first time in ages even though it’s only been since

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