Sunday Runday

March 25, 2012

While I’m always a little “off” on the days where I skip a work out, the next day I wake up filled with motivation. As was the case today. My eyes flew open at 8:30 and I was stocked to get the morning rolling so I could head out for my run! But first things first. This morning I woke

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March 25, 2012

This weekend started out like they all should. That, my friends, is a Heart of Darkness. Will and I headed out last night and had a few drinks before getting dinner. His and Hers. While we definitely have similar tastes, Will usually opts for a lighter beer than me. They were both good but mine had a little bit more

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Are You Like Your Significant Other?

March 23, 2012

Opposites attract, right? While the above is definitely not a picture of me and Will, we are just as opposite as our dog Anni and her “boyfriend” Charlie. When we met, I thought we were the complete opposite, and struggled to list one thing that we had in common. But something about our differentness made us incredibly compatible and so,

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