Runner’s High

April 1, 2012

After having moved my run from Saturday to Sunday for the last two weeks, it feels nice to wake up this Sunday morning and not have to prepare for a long run. And it feels even better because yesterday’s long run was excellent! I run about a ten minute mile. This includes stopping for street lights and stop signs but,

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Goals (Yes, A Few Months Late)

March 30, 2012

For 2012 I set two goals. Since I was a dormant blogger at the time, I didn’t get to share them with you all at the time. I only set two but they are two things that I felt were important but hadn’t found the motivation to implement. Funny how turning the page on the calendar can serve as motivation.

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Ice Cream Cake Adventures

March 29, 2012

I personally could eat tofu straight out of the package. Sure, it’s not too flavorful this way but I really like the texture. But I recognize that for as much as I love tofu in its blandest form, adding some flavor makes it that much better. And it’s not overly time consuming, either. The longest part is just pressing the

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