The Saturday Routine

April 14, 2012

First off, welcome to the new site! It’s still needing a few tweeks here and there but mostly this more advanced platform gives me endless room to grow as a blogger, writer, web designer (lol), photographer and so much more! I realized yesterday, as I was browsing plugins, that I could spend years customizing the site but that’s not the

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Please Don’t Mind the Construction

April 12, 2012

Not that you can actually see my construction but I’m not really in blogging mode today. Soooo…in the meantime I thought I’d share some fun things about myself. Or some not fun things about myself. I think bloggers try to emphasize the good, which is important but we’ve all got bad qualities too and sometimes those are the ones that

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Life is Beautiful

April 12, 2012

Those – contrary to what I thought when I first saw them – are not rats or furry lizards. They are kittens who have only been alive for a matter of days. Will called me at 4:30 today in awe/panic to tell me that he had found three abandoned kittens in our driveway. Now Will is terribly allergic to cats but has

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