Tempeh, Take Two

April 16, 2012

Tonight was attempt #2 at what has officially been dubbed in our house as “the brain.” Or, as it is more commonly known – tempeh. Look at that crisp factor! Backing up, this is my second time making tempeh. The first was tempeh buffalo wings, which were actually pretty awesome but the prep time was a little longer than I

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Wedding Overload

April 15, 2012

Almsot every day, someone asks about my wedding plans. It’s the curse of being the bride. Will isn’t walking around with the ring and his friends aren’t falling over themselves at the idea of picking out a location. Nope. All of that is reserved for me. I’m not really big into the bride thing. I definitely want a wedding, complete

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Running Hunger

April 14, 2012

What an absolutely beautiful day for a run! I cruised through the neighborhoods of Orange and had an (mostly) awesome 10-miler. Yes, 10 miles! Today was my first day embarking on the double-digit journey! Before: I was actually a little nervous for this run. I’m not sure why. I knew I could do it. I just wasn’t sure how it

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