For most of my life, I was anything but a morning person. My first year of college I never had to get out of bed before 9am. Oh the good old days… Now the alarm sounds bright (I wish it were brighter actually) and early at 6am and from then on, I don’t have a second to spare. Snooze button=not

Vegetarian Know-How
It occurred to me as I was putting together dinner that less than a year ago even I would not have known how to approach vegetarian/vegan eating. It feels effortless to me now but that’s what three+ square meals a day will do for you after a while. Truth be told, I did not intentionally switch to a purely plant based diet (more

Tuesday’s Mishaps
This morning has been all about new things. Some better than others. Some more intentional than others. First things first, I set out for a run this morning outfitted with a new clothing item! Almost every item of clothing I have owned as a runner is just an extra tee shirt or a pair of shorts my mom passed down