Chocolate Espresso Banana Bread

April 22, 2012

I wake up on Saturdays super excited to get out of bed to start my day. I look forward to my long runs all week (sick, right?) and Saturday mornings just can’t come soon enough. There is so much potential in the day and the weekend ahead and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. Fast forward 24 hours

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The Streets of Orange

April 21, 2012

Today’s long run was brought to you by the motivation of new shoes! As mentioned in my fashion Friday post, I’m not obsessed with clothes in any insane kind of way but I do have a pretty substantial collection of shoes. It’s stopped growing quite as fast since I had to start using my income for boring things like rent

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Friday Fashion Feature

April 20, 2012

It dawned on me yesterday that all the pictures of me here are with no make up and usually a sweaty hot mess after a run. I promise I do actually get dressed sometimes! I work in a casual office though so I’m lucky and get to wear basically whatever I want every day. They probably wouldn’t be a fan

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