Today called for a beer! This beer is an interesting one. It’s a raspberry wheat beer and tastes like a funky raspberry soda. Very light and bubbly. But I’m not really a girly beer drinker so this isn’t going to top my charts. But it was good enough to distance myself from the work day. Unfortunately a beer on an
Category Archives: Food Experiments
Chocolate Espresso Banana Bread
I wake up on Saturdays super excited to get out of bed to start my day. I look forward to my long runs all week (sick, right?) and Saturday mornings just can’t come soon enough. There is so much potential in the day and the weekend ahead and I can’t wait to take advantage of it. Fast forward 24 hours
Tempeh, Take Two
Tonight was attempt #2 at what has officially been dubbed in our house as “the brain.” Or, as it is more commonly known – tempeh. Look at that crisp factor! Backing up, this is my second time making tempeh. The first was tempeh buffalo wings, which were actually pretty awesome but the prep time was a little longer than I