The Friday before a long weekend and it’s a little hard to focus on anything too real. So for your Friday entertainment, here are some of my random thoughts and facts. Funs stuff, if you will.
1. I’m an organization freak.
Our roommate moved out last weekend (!!) and now I can finally make use of all the space in the kitchen. When I open the cabinets, part of me wants to organize because all that clutter gets to me but then I remember that we’re moving in a month an there’s really no reason to organize.
But I’m actually a fake organization freak.
Case in point:
This is pretty common in my space. I make a big deal about keeping the floor and surface areas clean but under beds, in closets and within drawers all that terrible clutter hides. I guess cabinets are a grey area. Yes, they’re out of plain sight so they’re not an immediate concern but they do get opened frequently (and Will often leaves them open) so there is some pressure. I guess I’ll hold off until our new place. Hopefully we find it soon or I might start to go a little mad.
2. I think I’d like being British. I work with several international offices as part of my job and hearing the idioms from other languages is so much fun. Don’t mind me as I waffle on. Love!
3. Every day is casual Friday at my office.
Is it bad to say I gave this job preference because I could wear whatever I wanted? Maybe. But clothing and comfort affect how I feel and that little bit of freedom means something to me. Some days I feel really motivated to look nice and I’ll weak a skirt and heels and do my hair. Others, like today, jeans and a long sleeved shirt are more my style and I love that no one cares. One of my first jobs was working for a women who just reeked of stereotypical sorority girl and everyday when I walked in she would give my outfit a very obvious once over followed by an expression noting that I wasn’t up to her fashion standards. People like that aren’t worth being around in my opinion.
4. Anni has become a mean dog 🙁
Don’t be fooled by those sweet eyes. She’s become mean! She’s always been a little iffy with strangers and generally I advise people not to pet her and that she’ll come to them if she’s interested. Lately she’s been vicious with me and Will, too, which is really upsetting. She’s bit both of us now and has snapped more in the last month than the entire time we’ve had her. I’m kind of at a loss as to what to do.
Okay, so maybe that last one wasn’t very fun. But that’s what’s going on, the good and the bad.
Have a happy Friday