Sorry for being so quiet this week. It’s been hard to get a moment to blog. It’ been hard to get a moment to do anything with how crazy things have been. I’ve been working long hours all week (yay for overtime!), trying to find a new place to live for next month and just trying to keep all the normal balls in the air at the same time.
A few nights ago while doing my Foodie Pen Pals shopping, I needed a real pick-me-up from the day. I cruised through the ice cream section at Mother’s Market and was just in heaven with how many dairy-free options they had.
And you know what’s even better? I found this!
Yes, you read that right. The whole pint is just 150 calories!
Sadly it didn’t taste that great 🙁 I guess I should have figured given the insane calorie proclamation. It’s probably for the best since I don’t need to be eating an entire pint of ice cream. In fact, I have been trying to make a conscious effort to watch my sugar intake. Sugar is one of those evil things that just gets more addictive the more you have and I need to go back to the cold turkey approach.
I’m also trying to cut back on my coffee consumption. As the work load has increased at work, so has my coffee in take. I’ve always been very sensitive to coffee and more than one cup a day is too much for me. Last fall, I had some major anxiety issues as I was transitioning between jobs and coffee became unmanageable. As a result, I switched over to tea completely and that was really beneficial for me. Even tea with caffeine doesn’t affect me like coffee does. I don’t get that terrible crash after too much. Admittedly, I don’t really feel the pick-me-up from it either.
So I’ve been back on the tea train this week.
I drank tea with artificial sweetener for my entire life up until last fall. Now that I drink it plain, I get to rediscover what they all taste like without two Equals and it’s kind of a fun experience. I’m surprised by the ones I like and the ones I don’t. It seems almost opposite of how it used to be. Things with really fruity flavors I expect to be sweet so I when they aren’t I guess I don’t like them as much as something like green tea, which has it’s own flavor that doesn’t seem to call for sugar. Funny.
Other news from this week is the recovery from last week’s run. I had some really intense hip pain for most of Saturday and a little bit on Sunday. At the time, I knew I needed to cut back on running a little so I took Tuesday off instead of hitting the streets for a morning jog. And I’ve added something new into my weight routine at the gym.
The hip machines! I’m hoping to build up some butt muscles to help support me on those far runs. Can’t hurt, right?
I also tried out the foam roller this week.
Can’t say I really see what all the fuss is about. My muscles felt a little better but I think that’s also just because it was two days after the run and they always start to heal by then. Maybe I’m doing it wrong?
After last weekend, I had planned to cut down to 8ish miles for this Saturday. While I’m still not committed to a long run, I’m feeling the itch to really stretch my legs, especially since I took it easy this week in the name of recovery. My plan is to play it smart though. If I start to hurt past the reasonable point, I won’t push on. I’m also not going to make the mistake I did last week with poor water, fuel and routing.
So how does a gal fuel for a redemption run?
With a flight of beer!
I think beer is wonderful for the night before a run. As long as you don’t get drunk and you compensate with plenty of water, it’s a fun way to get in some carbs.
This sampler had two sours, a pale and two chocolatey beers. Will drank the sours since those are a personal favorite of his and I drank the chocolates. I have never liked a chocolate beer before but both of these did the trick. Just goes to show you should never close yourself off from one type of thing. You just haven’t had it the right way yet.
This has not been my best week. While I’ve actually really been enjoying myself at work (I love being busy), I feel like the rest of my life is slipping and that makes me anxious. This week coming up is Will’s graduation and I could not be more excited to have both our families in town for the occasion. But first, we have to do all the prep to get there. And of course it’s another crazy work week on top of it all. I’ll do my best to report regularly.
Have a great weekend!
I had to cut back on coffee during exams, all the extra caffeine was making me one big shaking ball of stress. It helped a lot, plus it’s nice because then you can save that caffeine kick for when you really need it.
Good luck with moving/family visiting! I also like being busy, but hate the stress that goes with it!