Clearly the morning has started out in a good place!
I did my best to go to sleep on the right side of the bed last night, so to speak. I’ve just been too cranky for too many days now and that needed to change.
Since getting up has been a little tricky, I tried something new today. I set two alarms, one for 5:30 and one for 6. The first alarm was to wake me up and the second was to get me out of bed. A little warning helps me try and wake up first without having to immediately haul ass to the gym.
I was actually awake before 5:30 ( the body just knows sometimes) and it made it easier to finally get up when the time finally came.
I did my weights set from yesterday today. I don’t mind weights but they are too boring for how hard they are and I think that’s where my motivation issues stem from. Plus I’m totally into running these days. Exercise changes for me every six months or so but I’m really happy that my current phase favors running. I missed it while I was into other things last year. But absence makes the heart grow founder 🙂
But back to the oats.
I tried something new today. Actually lots new!
First, I stirred the peanut butter in while the oats where in their last minute on the stove. This was to allow the heat to melt it into the oats, allowing for even distribution. I’m always finding my peanut butter in clumps when I just spoon it on top, which is great for those bites but leaves the rest lacking.
This new technique fixed that!
I’m usually not a big fan of cereal on oats. It seems a little repetitive to me since oats are a cereal too but the flakes in this cereal are rather tough so the heat of the oats softens them up just enough but not enough to be soggy.
And let’s not forget that jam! Apricot! I’m usually partial to berry jams but apricot seems decent on oatmeal. Not sure I would eat it Ina sandwich, though.
Gotta run! Work is crazy, crazy, crazy this week and I need to get a move on!
Have a great day!