The alarm went off this morning and I went about my business as if it was Sunday. I went to go find another blanket and was all prepared to curl up and listen to the rain when I had the ah ha! moment. Not so fast, Katie! It’s Monday, which means you’re not going back to bed, you’re going to the gym.
On the plus side, it’s my absolute favorite kind of weather today.
A little misty, not too cold but still cool enough to justify a sweater and scarf.
My weight set at the gym was decent. To give you an idea of what I do, here is today’s run down:
* Bicep free weights (3x17lbs)
* Overhead press free weights (3x20lbs)
* Overhead tricep (3x25lbs – I use both hands to dip the weight instead of doing individual reps for each arm)
* Chest press machine (3x65lbs I think?)
* Gravatron (love this machine – 3x-80lbs alternating between trips dips and chin ups)
And as quick as it started, that’s how quick it’s done and I’m out the door again. The only way I’ve found I can be motivated to continue with weight lifting is to keep the sessions short so they aren’t too daunting.
But the best part of the morning has easily been the cereal! I have a huge cereal addiction and have to pace myself. One box every couple of weeks.
This week is a new Fresh and Easy option.
This one is a little too good, meaning I eat handfuls out of the box as much as actual bowlfuls. Hence the addict statement.
But I made myself a proper bowl this morning, complete with one too many fun toppings. I went a little overboard on toppings at the grocery store this weekend.
Those were supposed to be for oatmeal but they work just as well on cold cereal!
Topped with a mountain of banana:
I swear there is cereal under there. I don’t love bananas nearly enough to make it the majority of my meal.
So good! I wanted another bowl but my half hour weight session did not justify that much. Is it too early to be thinking about a mid-morning snack lol?
Enough about food. I’m gonna get some coffee and start dealing with some of my real world work. ‘Tis Monday for ya after all! Have a good one!