Other than baking, I can’t really say I did much today. But that’s the beauty of Sundays. We’re going to be out of town next weekend so I did my best to kick back and relax these last two days.
Will is crazy about his caffeine and insists that the coffee we have is no good (even though it’s just fine) so we started the day at Starbucks so he could caff up for his all-day thesis work.
I didn’t get anything but Will got enough for both of us. A venti iced coffee with an extra shot. Because a venti coffee just isn’t enough.
That’s about a half cup of cream streaming in. Sure is pretty going down.
An Insta-perspective
With no pending plans and no boyfriend to hang out with, I took myself to the gym for some light cardio.
Why hello, elliptical. We meet again.
I used to work out an hour a day, seven days a week on the same freakin’ elliptical (not this exact type). That just blows my mind these days. Not only do I find it boring, but I also feel like I could have been doing something more effective with my time. But I was addicted to the routine. Not for nothing, though. I was able to lose a significant amount of weight through consistent machine use so I don’t discourage people from using them. It’s just not for me these days.
But it was good to get a work out in. I felt plenty rested after yesterday’s run and I don’t need to be getting into the habit of taking a rest day just because I did the week before. Sunday is my “free day” where I can do what I want with exercise. If I need to rest, I take a rest day. If I feel like exercising, I do but there isn’t a scheduled activity or amount of miles/time I’m aiming for. The rest of the week looks like this:
Monday: Weights
Tuesday: 4-5 mile run
Wednesday: Weights
Thursday: 4-5 mile run
Friday: Weights
Saturday: Long run (6+ miles. I’m increasing to 11 next week)
Post-workout and shower, I threw together something random but delicious for lunch.
Leftover couscous topped with cooked spinach, a Trader Joe’s veggie burger and a hummus/salsa sauce.
The name of the game was quick and easy and this plate took maybe 5 minutes to throw together. I don’t love veggie burgers but I keep them around for when I’m not feeling particularly creative.
For dinner I was feeling creative, though. Perhaps the wine is responsible?
I go through phases with drinking. One week, I’m guzzling vino or beer with every meal and the next I just not interested. This bottle of white has been hanging out in our fridge for ages and I think I felt more like doing something about that then really wanting any. It was okay. Nothing to write home about.
Unfortunately I was convinced dinner would be nothing to write home about too so I didn’t take many pictures. It actually turned out really well.
Right. You probably can’t tell what all the whiteness is. Definitely not the most photogenic plate but the bland color was not representative of the taste let me tell you.
Sautéed tofu, cooked in fajita seasonings…
…along with roasted cauliflower and potatoes.
So good! I bought a head of cauliflower last weeks and it’s been calling to me from the crisper in a mocking way. “You don’t know what to do with me…”
So I needed to shut that up and when in doubt – roast! I cut up a potate too (another pantry item that’s been sitting around for too many weeks), tossed both in some fajita seasoning and roasted for 40 minutes at 400. I tossed them at the half way mark, still completely skeptical that they would turn out decent. Well I was wrong and I’m glad! This was an excellent dinner filled with textures I don’t normally think to include. Just goes to show sometimes you have to think beyond your comfort level. And that’s just the attitude I need to carry into the work week. Have a good one!