For all my good intentions, there are still days where I deviate from the plan a bit.
Like today! I was planning to go for a run this morning but I knew in the back of my head last night as I was going to bed that I probably wouldn’t make it out of the house at 6. The run down feeling I was having yesterday evolved into another tension headache and I decided to get some extra sleep and do my run tonight. I’d always rather have more work out over with rather than hanging over my head but at least I have a back up plan.
So I postponed by work out and went back to sleep for an hour, which felt like it passed in the blink of an eye. Don’t you hate how that happens.
I did stick to my breakfast plan though, which featured a fruit I haven’t had in awhile. Kiwi!
Even though it was juicy when I peeled it, the actual fruit was a little under ripe. Bummer!
I had it in a bowl of uncooked oat cereal, which I top with piles of fruit.
The players.
In the bowl, I mix a 1/2 cup of oats with soy milk and chia seeds on top of the defrosted frozen fruit.
And then come the toppings. They are the stars here. After all, who wants to eat a bowl of soggy uncooked oats. With a decent amount of fruit on top, it becomes sweet in flavor and very thick and chewy in texture (aided by the chia seeds). An excellent way to combine my cold and cereal and oatmeal addictions into one!
Would have been perfect with a ripe kiwi but still decent. The unfortunate multigrain oats are not as detectable in this as they are when cooked.
I guess I should have eaten more, though because I’ve been super snack today. And not on my fruit stash.
I did have a pear but also a cookie, some vanilla flavored coffee…sometimes the sugar calls. I’m actually going to cut back on sugar again starting next week because I’ve been going way over a lot lately. The more I eat it, the more I want it so I need to nip this habit in the bud. The sugar consumption might also be aggregating my headaches, which usually aren’t this frequent.
Gotta finish speed eating my lunch. The cold, dark dungeon (aka my cubicle) awaits.