We’ve made it to Friday! It’s been a week, let me tell you friends. Unrelenting headache, work deadlines.
But we’ve also had a fun time here looking at various tips and tricks for bringing your lunch to work. No sooner had I hit publish on this post than I heard the announcement that chocolate rum cake was available in the kitchen. Case in point and exactly why it’s good to take the time to think of the best ways to eat well out of the house.
I hope some of the information I’ve shared this week has been helpful. One of the things that I’ve had a hard time balancing is how much variety to show. In order to keep things easy, I often repeat foods or meal ideas for lunch because it makes the process effortless. If I’m not bringing leftovers, I’m probably brining a sandwich and salad. In the interests of not being too repetitive in these posts, I’ve tried to show different foods even though they might be comprised of the same ingredients.
Basically, making a healthy lunch does not mean you have to whip out the chef hat every night. Quite the opposite in fact.
Which brings us to today – the absolute simplest lunch of all.
Canned tomato soup with an avocado sandwich a la Tuesday.
Prep took five minutes, which was all I had to spare between Googling my headache symptoms. I usually don’t think my headache is a brain tumor but yesterday was my first time down that scary road.
The spread:
Toasted Ezikel bread (when will I be done with this loaf so I can buy the type I actually like?!?!), red pepper hummus, half avocado and a can of organic tomato soup. All item minus gross bread are from Fresh and Easy, my absolute favorite store! A whole post will be dedicated to this great store in the near future.
Look at the avocado! I used to have some silly fear of the number of calories in avocado. I suspect some of you might as well. My advice is to make room – so to speak – for an extra 100 calories one day. You’ll quickly become addicted to the smooth buttery taste and texture.
Now soup can be a tricky thing to bring with you.
I’m lucky that my office has a can opener and microwaves and lots of plates, bowls, spoons, knives, etc. However, if I didn’t have those options, soup might not be on the menu. It’s about making the fullest use of what is offered to you.
If you don’t have access to a microwave, warm items are going to be tough. But if you just need the can opener (or even the bowl), that can be brought with you. Or you could put the soup in a tightly sealed tupperware. I actually think tupperware is the best investment you can make if you want to start eating better out of the house. It makes if more effortless for you to take food from home and any little thing you can do to make it easier is worth the step.
On the side, more fruit. But like I said above, variety is not exactly the goal here.
And that wraps us up for the week! If you have and specific questions, email me (creatureofhabit.blog@gmail.com) or comment below. I have often said that if I could always eat at home, I’d be the healthiest possible. Brining my food with me to work helps make this wish one step closer to reality. Avoiding temptation is a whole other issue, and one that I deal with every day, but it can be done. With a little effort, healthy eating doesn’t have to be hard.
Here’s to feeling our best from eating our best!