New Habits

March 20, 2012/ Breakfast, Fitness, Lifestyle, Running/ 7 comments

I feel like today has been an off day so far. I just can’t quite fit into a groove.

As the title of my blog suggest, I tend to like routine. I’m aware that I tend to like it a little too much because when I do little things that alter it, I feel all out of whack.

Case in point: for the last two years, I’ve been getting up to exercise before my day begins. Back when I started this, it meant getting up at 7:30. Than that had to get pushed back to 6:45 and now it’s 6:00 and I really should be getting up at 5:45 to get a full workout in and still be at work by 8:00. Half the week I go to the gym and lift weights and half the week I go for a run and I like to do that outside. Partly because it’s easier (mentally) but mostly because I have issues with the treadmill. Have you ever seen someone step on to a moving treadmill without holding on to the railing? Well that happened to me and I guess it traumatized me because now the only way I can run on a treadmill is slowly and on a steep incline. Otherwise I constantly feel like the ground is going to come out from under me. I’m sort of horrified to admit this fear but I bring it up because I’m now handicapped to only running on solid ground. I guess there are worse things to be afraid of. But now that it’s dark in the mornings, I just can’t bring myself I go out when it’s pitch black.

So I thought I would give running after work a try. Of course, my work day usually leaves me pretty brain dead and typically not too energetic. Although today has definitely not been a great day at work, I have really found myself looking forward to getting to run in a few hours. Im going for stress release.

I’m hoping I like this new routine and can move my runs to the early evenings until it gets lighter in the mornings. And the best part will be getting to sleep an extra hour on those mornings.

In other routine-changing news, I switched up my oatmeal toppings this morning. I know – I’m really living on the edge here. I usually tend to be pretty repetitive with breakfast just because I need it to be effortless. Oatmeal just happens to be the name of the game for the moment.

Today’s fabulous toppings, cinnamon, nutmeg and a whole box of raisins.



It reminded me of a healthier version of rice pudding. Need to make some of that soon!

Here’s hoping that my evening run clears my head.

Do you stick to a work out schedule or are does variety keep you motivated?


  1. I personally love routine. Being a morning person, the AM workouts before work were right up my alley. Due to a recent change in schedule…I am going to have to start working out in the PM. I, like you, am extremely rattled by this simple change but I am going to give it a whirl. We can do this…I’m sure of it!

    1. Yes we can! I have one evening work out behind me and I’m determined to keep it going. It’s all about the attitude!

  2. I love a “routine” to my run schedule. The goals change each time (distance, pace, etc). My day to day changes so much, beyond goals for the day, a daily routine can’t be maintained. So I find solace in my run “routines.”

    1. Couldn’t agree more. It’s nice to know that some parts of your life are consistent even if other aspects are out of your control. Although even my workouts don’t always go as planned. Sometimes it’s just not my day but that’s why I love knowing I get to try again tomorrow.

  3. Pingback: Roasted Lemon Chickpeas and Couscous « Creature of Habit

  4. Pingback: Finally – A Good Run! « Creature of Habit

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