It is a beautiful day here in SoCal! It has indeed been a mild winter and today is more of the warmer trend that others love so much about this state. Personally, I’d rather live somewhere a little colder but I’m happy to have spent the time I have out here.
And warmer weather means morning runs are more enjoyable! Saving my legs for this weekend’s longer run, I set out on a four mile loop that was over before I knew it.
Post-run photos are alway so glamorous, huh?
Like most mornings, this was another rushed one withe bowl of peanut butter and jelly oatmeal to full me as I headed out the door to work.
Mmmm…oatmeal. For some reason this didn’t look amazing this morning (I think I was dehydrated) but I’d much prefer oatmeal to my spinach salad that I’m noshing on now for lunch.
Which brings me to last night. Why? Because lunch for me during the week is almost always the second portion of dinner from the previous night.
I opted for the giant salad option last night because it had been a day of too much sugar and my body was craving something extremely light. Lunch was included in a work conference yesterday and the cheesy pasta as well as the smoothly I had mid-afternoon were sugar overload.
Into the bowel went:
* Three or four handfuls of spinach
* 1/4 sliced cucumber
* 1 sliced carrot
* 1 chopped tomato
* 1/2 C garbanzo beans
* 1 half avocado, chopped
* 1/2 tsp balsamic dressing
* A few spoonfuls of salsa
On the side I had a not so photogenic but completely tasty high protein tortilla filled with a spoonful of guac and a spoonful of salsa. I seriously eat salsa on everything!
I’m gonna finish up my lunch and then it’s just a few more hours until the weekend is here! Nothing mug planned but that’s my favorite way to go into my days off. I think I like Friday and Saturday best because they both come are followed by free days. Sunday, on the other hand, is followed by evil Monday. Maybe I should learn to live in the moment more.
Have a great weekend everyone! Coming up in the next couple of days: more wedding plans and maybe a recipe (or two) depending on how the weekend goes.